Guest Resources

Thank you for your interest in joining the Santa Clarita Valley Business Group. Following is some information on membership and the process for joining.


Check with a current member of the SCVBG or contact Membership Chair, Amy Beaulieu, at (661) 714-0835. Inform them about your business and they will let you know if there is an opening for you at this time. Prior to attending your first meeting, you must be prescreened by the Membership Chair. This process helps us prevent uncomfortable conflicts.

Santa Clarita Business Networking Group Meeting

Once you have confirmed that your business category is open, check the SCV Business Group calendar and find the next two consecutive Friday morning meetings you will be able to attend. (You must attend two consecutive meetings to qualify.) Your first meeting is complimentary. Plan to be introduced and to tell the group about your business. Please arrive between 6:30-6:45 a.m. This is a great opportunity to begin networking with our members. We do not permit arrivals after 7:00 a.m.

Santa Clarita Business Networking Group Meeting

Do not skip any meetings between your first one and this one or you will have to start the process again. Please arrive between 6:30-6:45 a.m. At this meeting you will be charged $20.00 for your breakfast and, once again will be given an opportunity to introduce your business. At the end of this meeting you will be given an application and told that one of our Directors will meet with you to “inspect” your business.

Step 4: Inspection

Your inspection meeting should be at your place of business and you can expect it to last 30 to 60 minutes. It is an opportunity for you to demonstrate and explain your business to the “inspector” who will be reporting on your behalf at the next Friday meeting. If your business requires licenses, permits, bonds, or specific insurance, have those ready to demonstrate you are in compliance with any conditions which your business requires. The inspector will go over the membership application with you and explain all fees and referral and attendance requirements. This is an excellent opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have. Before the inspector arrives at your location, complete the top portion of the application and prepare a check for your initiation dues in the amount of $200.00. This is refundable in the event your membership is not approved.

Step 5: Voting
Santa Clarita Business Networking Group Meeting

You will not attend the meeting that follows your inspection. At this meeting, your inspector will give a report about their visit with you and answer any questions posted by the membership. Our members will vote and you will be notified shortly after the meeting of the voting results.

Step 6: Begin Attending Meetings As A Regular Member!
Santa Clarita Business Networking Group Meeting

Upon approval into the group, a name badge will be ordered for you and you will be added to the membership roster. Attend the first meeting following your approval. You will be introduced as “our newest member!” New members are required to attend a complimentary new member orientation lunch or dinner with a seasoned member who will cover all of the SCVBG rules, and to help you maximize your investment with the SCVBG.

Other Items


The initiation dues at time of joining is $200.00. Each member also pays monthly dues to cover the cost of their breakfasts and incidentals. The monthly dues are $175.00, but can change.



Members are requested to attend every meeting, however, three absences are permitted per calendar quarter. Besides not attending a meeting, members are considered “absent” if they arrive after 7:00am. or leave before 8:30am. Meetings are scheduled 7:00am to 8:30am (running over occasionally when the agenda is full or attendance is exceptionally high). Members are expected to stay until the meeting is adjourned. One evening “social” is also mandatory each quarter. There is a cost to the member for the socials and it varies based on the type of event held.



5 referrals each month are required to remain “in good standing.”